Chicago Drivers Need a Voice at Work

07 Jul 2018

In New York City, app-based drivers have come together with the Independent Drivers Guild to have a voice in the workplace. Since workers have come together, we have won:

  • A tipping option nationally, and laws that money from tips will all go to the driver.
  • We are on the brink of winning a huge pay raise, and we are the highest paid app-based drivers in the country.
  • We have the right to appeal any unfair firings.
  • We have workers’ compensation and other vital benefits so if we get hurt on the job, we are paid for days we can’t work.
  • Drivers are paid to attend Defensive Driving Classes, Heath and Wellness classes, and we run the IDG Education Center to teach drivers how to organize, and how to make this job sustainable.

We are quickly advancing toward a fair industry because of driver unity.

But Chicago is a different story. Uber, Lyft, and Via drivers in Chicago are some of the most underpaid app-based workers in the country. We have no protection from the constant, unrelenting exploitation and no voice with the people making the rules.

If you are ready to unite with your fellow drivers, please fill out this form and when we are ready, we’ll get started organizing.
